The Strength Team’s slogan is to Break Barriers & Build Lives. If you have experienced The Strength Team in action you will know that they have immense strength. More than physical power The Strength Team is called by God and passionate about reaching the World around us. Whether The Strength Team is on the Mission Field in Haiti or motivating thousands of students in public schools; we are fueled and funded by partners, individuals, families and businesses LIKE YOU!
The Strength Team is one of few organizations that is continually invited into public schools across our country and the world. To speak into the lives of children and young adults is a great privilege. We see every opportunity to step foot into a school as an opportunity to help rebuild our country. The largest hurtle we face when setting up these assemblies is the funding. Because of our Partners we are able to meet every schools needs regardless of their funding. The Strength Team is estimated to speak to over 150,000 children and young adults this year. Many principals are encouraged that we are inspiring and motivating students based on the issues they are facing each day.
Did you know 49% of children 4-12 yrs old are bullied at school each year. Often suicide and school drop out are highly contributed to bullying.
Choices & Character
We believe that Choices along with Character are stepping stones to success. Having Strong Character helps students stay away from Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco.
Testing Prep
Motivation is an important part of Education. Often if students are not motivated to do well the usually don't.
TEXTing while driving
Distractions plague this next generation. Mobile devices are in the hands of almost every young person. Refraining from using those devices while driving can save lives
On top of school assemblies The Strength Team has a dynamic family friendly evening outreach event that typically is hosted by local churches. This outreach is the perfect place for the whole community to experience The Strength Team and hear a Life Changing Message; the same message that changed our lives forever. Many times the Strength Team reaches out to inner-cities and poverty stricken communities. These communities have little funding but often need the most attention. Our Partners help bridge the gap financially to allow The Strength Team to reach an almost unreachable generation. In the last decade of ministry we have seen over 230,000 people reached with a message of Hope!
The Strength Team’s vision to reach the nations is evident each year as we travel the Globe. Last year alone we traveled to Haiti, Peru, Cuba and Thailand. Through the consistent support of our Partners, traveling to these foreign countries is made possible. Many Partners will help sponsor plane tickets, materials, meals or lodging. We believe that if everyone does something we can accomplish something Great! Your prayers and financial support provides the means to continue making a difference in the lives of so many. Your contribution matters greatly, no matter the size. Please Join Us! We are stronger together as we partner to reach the World around us.