Every child looks up to role models for guidance and direction in life. For some children their Parents or Family Member are their role models. For most kids, cartoons and professional athletes are at the top of their list. This makes the Strength Team Heroes VBS one of the best ways to equip and encourage and educate all to be a Hero for God!
The Strength Team Heroes VBS incorporates Fun, Relevant Actives & Games for Kids to absorb each lesson and message. The Strength Team not only helps with curriculum and activists planning but we are there LIVE and IN ACTION!
Courage is an important characteristic of a Hero especially a Godly one. Take for instance the story of David and Goliath. Even though David was young, small, not equipped, out numbered, out sized and ridiculed; God still was able to use him. We believe God wants every child to have courage to stand for what they believe in.
FAITH is essential to ones walk with Jesus Christ. The example of Noah's obedience to build an arch and faith in God's plan is what saved so many. In order to be counted as a Hero for God you must have Faith in Jesus Christ!
Character and Integrity are the armor of every Hero for God. Having good character is what makes you who you are. Physical strength is only as good as internal strength. Esther in Bible is a great example of someone that had great character and God used this in a mighty way.
Strength is shown in different ways. As Heroes for God we not only need to be healthy physically but most of all we need to be spiritually strong. The true power behind The Strength Team is not how much we can weight lift but it is our personal relationship with Jesus Christ! We desire that all hear that message.
Our favorite part of Heroes VBS is having the opportunity to reach families. The Strength Team has a God given gift to be able to capture the attend of all ages with their amazing strength. This allows the Parents and Families to experience a glimpse of what their children have learned. We also have an exciting presentation that allows us to share the true strength of our lives and that is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! We have seen hundreds of children and youth touched by the VBS and many more parents and families as well.