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Heroes VBS



Every child looks up to Heroes for guidance and direction in life. For some children; parents are their Heroes; but for most kids cartoons and professional athletes are at the top of their list. This makes the Strength Team VBS one of the best ways to equip, encourage and educate all who want to be a Hero for Jesus Christ!


The Strength Team Heroes VBS incorporates fun , relevant activates and games for kids to absorb each lesson and message. The Strength Team speakers have special messages that complement the theme each day. By the end of the Heroes VBS each child will know what it takes to be a Hero for God and that true strength comes from a personal relationship with the LORD.


Our Favorite part of VBS is having the opportunity to reach families. FAMILY NIGHT allows the parents to see what their child has learned and hear a quick testimonies from the kids followed by a message from the Strength Team.


This website is designed for you to develop and plan your Heroes VBS around your specifications. We hope this helps you reach children and students with Gospel and provides an opportunity to  connect with their parents as well.  Please don't hesitate to call or email us if you have any questions, ideas or concerns.


The Strength Team

postal mailing:

PO BOX 1103

Spring Branch, TX 78070-9998


physical address:

1738 River Way

Spring Branch, TX 78070





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